When it comes to criminal law cases, an effective criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between prison and dismissed or reduced charges. We are committed to the legal presumption of innocence and protecting all of your rights. Even in less serious cases such as a DUI or trespass, a criminal defense attorney can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case.

If you have been arrested or accused of a crime, you are probably scared, bewildered, and concerned about your future. Anyone who is arrested should not answer any questions asked by the police. Just ask for a lawyer and contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately. It is important to remember that the police are trained to collect evidence to build the prosecution’s case against you. Sometimes rules are stretched and your statements are taken out of context in pursuing an arrest and conviction. Although you want to be cooperative with law enforcement, you do not want to be your own worst enemy and give the police what they need to convict you.

We are well aware of the inequalities of the criminal justice system. The State takes advantage of an extensive staff of lawyers, police, agents, and experts, provided by the local taxpayer’s dollars. This gives them an unbelievable advantage because the legal system is based on the premise that the whole truth is presented at the trial (if a trial is even necessary). If a person accused of a crime cannot challenge or refute the prosecution’s case, or submit their own witnesses without the right skills, the jury will most likely accept as true whatever evidence the prosecutor produces.
